Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Final Hours.

Though Pawlenty seems like the pick, I am sticking out til the end for Sarah Palin!

It's been said it's going to be a surprise pick so I am doubting it will be Pawlenty and that they are just leading us to believe it will be.

Picking Palin would give McCain a boost in the media and most likely, the polls.

Other names that could be a surprise pick are:

Colin Powell (doubtful. He hasn't even decided who he's endorsing)

Kay Bailey Hutchison (Pro-Choice...probably not...)

Meg Whitman (Again, Pro-Choice.)

Palin is, in my opinion, the best choice to complement McCain and lead the GOP back to the White House!

McCain/Palin '08!

No matter the outcome, I will still celebrate the fact that bloggers like Adam Brickley ( got her name out there, got her media attention and consideration for VP.

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