Obama vs Palin
In the early 1990's Obama was a lawyer and community organizer inside the Chicago Political Machine, and Sarah Palin was starting her career in Public Service by winning a seat on the Wasilla City Council.
In 1997, Obama won a seat in the Illinois State Senate, while Sarah Palin was unseating the incumbent to become Mayor for Wasilla, Alaska. As Mayor, she reduced property taxes by 40%, improved the community through infrastructure investment, and earned the respect of her peers by being elected President of the Alaska Council of Mayors.
In June of 2003, Obama was busy raising money for a run at the US Senate. This included attending a lavish fund raiser for his Senate campaign, hosted by Tony Rezko, who was later indicted for corruption and accepting kickbacks. At the same time, Sarah Palin was busy taking on the good old boy network in Alaska politics, exposing corruption within her own party and taking a stand against politics as usual, which led to the resignation of state's Republican Party chaiman as well as the state's Attorney General.
As Barack Obama was missing almost half (45.5%) his votes in the US Senate while organizing his campaign for President, Sarah Palin was defeating former governor Tony Knowles 48% to 40%, despite being outspent by her political rival.
Barack Obama was inaugurated into the US Senate in January of 2005, and has been a member of the lowest rated Congress in US History, with all-time low approval ratings between 9% and 15%. After taking office in December 2006, Gov Palin earned approval ratings between 75% and 90% during her first two years in office.
In 2007, while Barack Obama was busy winning the designation "Most Liberal US Senator" by the National Journal, Sarah Palin, as Governor of Alaska, was killing the "Bridge to Nowhere" project, saving US Taxpayers $200 million.
Last year, while Barack Obama was talking about energy policy, Gov. Sarah Palin was drafting, introducing, and getting passed, a bill called the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act, which would build a $26 billion natural gas pipeline from the North Slope to the Lower 48, helping reduce America's dependence of foreign energy.
This year, while Barack Obama was criticizing a campaign to eliminate the Federal Tax on gasoline to help consumers, Sarah Palin was suspending the Alaska state tax on gasoline and returning $1200 of increased energy revenues to Alaska's families.
Through all of this, Sarah Palin was also busy running a private business and raising a family of five children, the oldest of which has joined the Army and is deploying to Iraq next month.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Palin: Change We Can ACTUALLY Believe In!
Palin can speak like a normal human being...Obama can't speak without a teleprompter or maybe some of Deval Patrick's speech...
Palin ran a state government while Obama ran his mouth.
Obama talks about change while Palin accomplished change in Alaska.
Palin is a new, fresh face and Biden and Obama are both DC insiders, especially Biden.
Palin can shake things up in DC, Obama and Biden are the same old liberal stuff...
Friday, August 29, 2008
My Reaction to all the people hating on Palin!
Here's what I think about the people who are talking crap about Sarah Palin:
It's official. Sarah Palin is the VP nominee for the Republican Party.
The hardest part is still to come. Sarah has some obstacles to overcome...(the "inexperience" thing, the dem attacks...that sort of thing) but I'm very positive Sarah will push through and come out even tougher than she already is.
Right now, the American people are shocked. They don't know who Palin is. I'm confident that once they get to know her, she will win over lots of voters.
So, keep fighting the good fight and lets elect John McCain and Sarah Palin this November!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
The Final Hours.
Though Pawlenty seems like the pick, I am sticking out til the end for Sarah Palin!
It's been said it's going to be a surprise pick so I am doubting it will be Pawlenty and that they are just leading us to believe it will be.
Picking Palin would give McCain a boost in the media and most likely, the polls.
Other names that could be a surprise pick are:
Colin Powell (doubtful. He hasn't even decided who he's endorsing)
Kay Bailey Hutchison (Pro-Choice...probably not...)
Meg Whitman (Again, Pro-Choice.)
Palin is, in my opinion, the best choice to complement McCain and lead the GOP back to the White House!
McCain/Palin '08!
No matter the outcome, I will still celebrate the fact that bloggers like Adam Brickley (palinforvp.blogspot.com) got her name out there, got her media attention and consideration for VP.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Other Palin Sites
Check out these two awesome sites who gave me the scoop on Governor Sarah Palin and the Vice-President movement for her.
Plus, the mysterious site, www.mccainpalin.com
Palin and Gas Prices...
With the high gas prices and problems with oil today, who can we look to for solutions?
Sarah Palin.
She has the necessary experience and knowledge that she would run circles around almost anyone when it comes to this.
As Governor of Alaska she is Chair of the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (America's largest interstate organization) and former Chair of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.
(Source: the wonderful Sarah Palin VP blog, palinforvp.blogspot.com...be sure to check it out too!)
Basketball Arena Hint?
It's just come to my attention that McCain is announcing his Vice-Presidential pick at a...wait for it...
I don't know, maybe I'm reading into it too much or jumping to conclusions but basketball is one of Governor Palin's interests and it seems fitting for her.
If so, I will be in O'Fallon, MO on Sunday! I'm excited. :)
(P.S. If you read this, don't forget to contact the McCain Campaign in case a choice has not been made yet to keep sending the message about Sarah Palin!)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Contacting People of Interest
To further have an influence on drafting Sarah Palin for Vice-President, here are some contacts on ways to contact people connected to the McCain campaign and the VP search.
John: http://www.johnmccain.com/contact
Mr. Arthur Culvahouse: aculvahouse@omm.com (Head of McCain's VP Search)
Meghan McCain: http://mccainblogette.com/contact/ (Daughter)
Palin: The Right Choice for McCain
Why is Alaska Governor the perfect choice for Vice President?
Here's 10 reasons why:
1. Young, fresh face to complement McCain's age. (Not that there is a problem with his age.)
2. Lifetime member of the NRA
3. Strongly Pro-Life: Recently had a baby with Down's Syndrome, knew in advance and kept the baby to term. (And as a woman, can connect more with women on this issue...)
4. A strong woman to appeal to women and Hillary Clinton supporters. This would cause McCain's campaign to also become historic if he were to win. Plus, it would give more media coverage to McCain and show he is gutsier than Obama who went with Biden, the safe choice.
5. She has produced the kind of change (that Obama and Biden can only talk about...) in Alaska by reforming corruption in Alaskan politics.
6. She is not connected to Bush (or his administration) at all.
7. Nothing can be said of her experience as she has just as much as experience as Obama, also her experience as governor is closer to president/vice-president than a senator.
8. Her views are very similar, if not almost identical (besides ANWR...) to McCain's.
9. As governor of Alaska, an oil-rich state, she has knowledge of energy and that would help with the energy crisis going on right now.
10. Her popularity in Alaska is phenomenal, with approval ratings in the 80's and even sometimes 90's.
Brilliant. Strong. Conservative.
Sarah Palin is the perfect choice for McCain.
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